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While the COVID Virus Mostly Spared Children, Dr. Fauci Did Not… Tony Fauci Killed from 300,000 to 900,000 Children with His Lockdowns, Mostly in Africa

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
Central estimate: a half million dead kids, a large share in Africa, from economic dislocation caused by lockdowns in 2020.

Trickle down epidemiology: the single cruelest public health policy in history. Amazing that there are still those in public health who defend it.

Kevin Bardosh
· Jun 19
New modelling study: economic (GDP) shock from lockdowns, border closures, etc, estimated to have led to 280,000 – 911,000 additional deaths in children under 5, mostly in Africa
Collateral damage of mass shutdown & “the new normal”

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